Montpellier Campus
February 11 2022About the Campus
Dedicated to research and education on tropical ecosystems, geoinformation, and water, the Montpellier campus is one of AgroParisTech’s eight sites. It is located within the larger Agropolis International site.
Research topics covered by the campus include remote sensing and spatial information systems, management of water and aquatic environments (processes, services, uses, overall management, and governance), and the environmental management of ecosystems and tropical forests (policies in a globalized context, evaluating and overseeing management systems, ecological engineering, and planetary change).
On November 18, 2019, the General Conference of UNESCO Member States granted approval for the creation, in Montpellier, of the International Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Water Systems Dynamics (ICIREWARD). This represented a strong acknowledgment of the excellence of Montpellier’s water science community, which had been coordinated since 2015 by the Montpellier Institute for Water and the Environment (IM2E – www.im2e.org) and received support from the Montpellier University of Excellence (MUSE) project.
Practical Information
- Campus Director: Dr. Pierre-Yves Colin
- Executive assistant: Myriam Niel
- AgroParisTech – Centre de Montpellier
- 648, rue Jean-François Breton
34090 Montpellier - +33 (0)4 67 04 71 00
- Access: GPS coordinates: 43.646289, 3.878871
- Hours: 7 A.M. to 8 P.M.
Programs Taught on the Campus
- Master’s Degree in Water and Agriculture (both years)
- Master’s Degree in Water and Society (both years)
- Master’s Degree in Geomatics
- Master’s Degree in Environmental Management of Tropical Ecosystems and Forests (GEEFT) (both years)
- Master’s Degree in Plant Biodiversity and Tropical Ecosystem Management (BIOGET) (both years)
- Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree in Sustainable Tropical Forestry (SUTROFOR)
- Specialized Master’s Degree in Forest, Nature, and Society – International Management (FNS-MI)
- Specialized Master’s Degree in Water Management
- Specialized Master’s Degree in “Water for All” (OpT)
- Specialized Master’s Degree in Localized Information Technology Systems for Land-Use Planning (SILAT)
Research – Joint Research Units and Research Laboratories Present on the Campus
- “Montpellier Research in Management” joint research unit (UMR)
- “Functional Ecology and Biogeochemistry of Soils and Agrosystems” joint research unit (UMR)
- “Governance, Risk, Environment, and Development” (GRED) joint research unit (UMR)
- “Land, Environment, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information” (TETIS) joint research unit (UMR)
Specific Tools and Equipment on the Site
- A documentation center
- A student cafeteria
- A freely accessible photocopier