PRODIG (Research Pole for the Organisation and Dissemination of Geographic Information)
February 11 2022UMR 8586 AgroParisTech, CNRS, IRD, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Université de Paris, Université Paris Sorbonne
General scientific background

The project of the UMR PRODIG focuses on the analysis of the relationships between development and environment. The research is conducted in a comparative and multiscalar perspective, with particular attention to the territorialisation of neoliberal globalization and global changes (climate change, population growth, urbanization, degradation of natural resources, migrations) in a wide variety of areas (rural and agricultural land, urban and peri-urban areas, mountains, islands and coastal zones), mainly in the South, but also in the North (especially France).
Fields of research
The project is structured into three research themes, broken down into several thematic or methodological perspectives. A transversal activity (AVIGéo) focuses on the valorisation of geographical information for the scientific community (documentation, databases).
It is part of a historic mission of Prodig and includes many actions carried out so far in partnership, such as HAL, ImaGEO and Géoprodig.
- Trade linkages, mobility and transport stakeholders
- Urban resources and inequalities
- Urban models and city strategies
- Power relations and territorial restructuring
- Risks and risk management in vulnerable areas
- Environmental resources : uses, management and valorisation
- Measurement, modeling and cartographic representations
- Organizing geographic scientific knowledge in all its forms and making it accessible
- Disseminating geographic and urban information, particularly from the Joint Research Unit (UMR), through digital tools.