Educational and Research Departments
AgroParisTech’s five educational and research departments (DFRs) are primarily concerned with educational matters (in initial and continuing education) and with the pursuit of the institution’s research, transfer, and innovation activities.
In terms of initial education, they are responsible for developing comprehensive, interdisciplinary academic programs that are a unique fit for the needs of engineering studies. They also work with our university partners to jointly coordinate master’s degree programs on topics that cover the entire spectrum of the institution’s disciplines. In terms of continuing education, DFRs collaborate with AgroParisTech Executive on the full extent of its offering (short courses, specialized master’s degrees, IPEF (Bridges, Waters and Forests Corps of Engineers) training, etc.).
DFRs also strive to further research, transfer, and innovation at AgroParisTech, working closely with joint research units (UMRs) and research units (URs) and participating in the governance of these units as frequently as possible.
Lastly, the DFRs are budgetary centers that manage both material resources (facilities, equipment, vehicles) and human resources.
DFRs are composed of UFRs (teaching and research departments), which bring together teams of faculty and researchers in one or more specific fields or subject areas—making them distinguishable from UMRs and URs—and are built around research themes that fall within the areas of specialization of AgroParisTech’s researchers or researchers from other associated institutions (such as INRAE, Paris-Saclay University, or the CNRS).