A Responsible School Committed to Acting for Change
To take on the challenges faced by our society and our planet, AgroParisTech feels that it is particularly important to contribute to the pursuit of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As a leading higher education and research institution in the fields of Life and Environmental Sciences, AgroParisTech is taking action to prepare for tomorrow’s major challenges. Feeding the world, protecting our environment, facilitating access to healthcare, and encouraging gender equality are all central to its concerns. As part of its commitment to the values of sustainable development and social responsibility (SD&SR), AgroParisTech educates graduates who will leave their studies with the expertise required to build the world of the future. Responsible and committed to acting for change, our future graduates are all driven by a shared ambition: working to achieve a sustainable future.
AgroParisTech’s SD&SR policy is structured around four main themes:
sustainable development;
social inclusion, through the Cordées de la Réussite program;
gender equality and respect;
ethics and professional conduct.