Final Endorsement for AgroParisTech’s Most Recent Initiatives of Excellence Offers Validation for its Multicampus Strategy
March 11 2022On Thursday, March 10, the definitive results arrived: the eight IDEX (Initiative of Excellence) and I-SITE (Science, Innovation, Territories, and Economy Initiative) programs, previously in a trial period, have now been granted a final stamp of approval from the national government following a recommendation by an international evaluation board.
AgroParisTech, a grande école that is a part of Paris-Saclay University, has thus received a stamp of approval for the strategy in place on all of the sites where it is active that have received the IDEX label. After Paris-Saclay University and the University of Lorraine were each respectively confirmed as IDEX and I-SITE label recipients in 2021, the AgroParisTech has maintained close relations with the University of Montpellier and the University of Clermont-Auvergne, both of whose I-SITE initiatives have just received final endorsement.
In the words of AgroParisTech’s Managing Director, Laurent Buisson, “We are delighted at the success of the Montpellier and Clermont-Auvergne initiatives of excellence, and we offer all our congratulations to the teams that made them possible.This recognition serves as validation for AgroParisTech’s strategic work to institute regional alliances, a policy it has pursued since 2013 and which has given us undeniable national reach, as HCERES emphasized in 2020.It has enabled us to develop local scientific and technological capabilities and highly specialized expertise in the key fields of agriculture, territorial development, and the quest to achieve U.N. Sustainable Development Goals.”
Laurent Buisson, Managing Director of AgroParisTechThis recognition serves as validation for AgroParisTech’s strategic work to institute regional alliances, a policy it has pursued since 2013 and which has given us undeniable national reach, as HCERES emphasized in 2020.