
Graduation Ceremony for Future Leaders of Water and Sanitation Services in the Global South

March 22 2024

At the end of a 14-month program, 39 students from the ninth graduating class of the OpT International Executive Master, a program backed by AgroParisTech’s “Suez – Water for All” partnership chair, offering training to managers and senior executives at urban water and sanitation providers in developing and transitioning countries, were awarded their degrees in the presence of His Excellency Mr. Jumaa Hamidu Aweso, Minister of Water in Tanzania, and his delegation; His Excellency Mr. Ambassador Mohamed Yahya Teiss; His Excellency Mr. Ambassador Ali Jabir Mwadini; Mr. Mbodj, representing His Excellency the Ambassador of Senegal; Ms. Elobari, representing His Excellency the Ambassador of Egypt; Mr. Rajapakse, representing His Excellency the Ambassador of Sri Lanka; Mr. Zinyuke, representing Her Excellency the Ambassador of Zimbabwe; Sabrina Soussan, Chairwoman and CEO of Suez; and Laurent Buisson, Managing Director of AgroParisTech.