“Or without me?”: AgroParisTech TEDx questions the role of the individual in society
January 26 2023This new edition of TEDx AgroParisTech, due to take place on January 26, in the evening, at the Palaiseau Campus (then available on YouTube), takes us on a philosophical journey with the theme “Or without me?” Agathe Lafarge and Vladimir Hurstel, President and Vice-President of the 2023 team, and second-year AgroParisTech students reveal a little about the program!
This year, the subject is “Or without me?” What does this mean?
V.H: First of all, we are aware that the theme of this edition may be a little disturbing (smiles), so much so, in fact, that there have even been a number of interpretations of it within the team. At the same time, this is what makes it such a rich theme! What we can say is that the point of convergence in the choice of subject was to question our role as an individual within society, our place alongside others, and the articulation between “me” and the rest of the world.
A.L: And also, what is the impact of this “me” or this absence of “me”? I would add that we wanted to innovate with a less scientific theme that in previous editions. We are future engineers specialized in life sciences, but we are also capable of thinking about and discussing more philosophical themes, more oriented towards the social sciences. In any case, everyone liked the idea, even the director!

How did you choose the subject and how do you organize things within the team once you have defined the subject?
V.H: We chose the theme fairly easily during an afternoon of discussions. Many of us are students committed to, or at least interested in, the environmental cause, so we could have chosen a subject directly connected to this topic. But this type of subject can be restrictive due to its scientific aspect. Whereas thinking about our place in the world and our impact means we are able to explore the subject just as easily with a researcher as with a musician or a podcaster, which is what will happen on the night. This appealed to us all.
A.G: Once we have chosen the subject, we organize ourselves pretty much the same from one year to the next: the team is divided into different units (logistics unit, communications unit, speakers unit, eco-event unit, sponsors unit), which enables us to work effectively both on logistical aspects (preparation of the venue, cocktails, technical equipment for the broadcast, etc.) and on the event itself (choice and preparation of speakers, choice of sponsors, etc.). I would add that the speakers are trained by a special coach who has worked with TedX AgroParisTech since the beginning.
Talking of speakers, who are they? What are their subjects?
A.L: The particularity of TedX is that even though we organize the event from A to Z, the content of the speakers’ presentations is as much a surprise for us as it is for you! The coach gives us regular feedback, but we discover everything on the day itself. However, we can tell you that we have some very inspiring speakers from a wide variety of backgrounds: Hélène Gourlain, a former soldier, helps people who want to change careers; Jean-Baptiste Hibon, a psychosociologist, has turned disability into a driving force for overcoming personal limits; Bernard Reber, a moral and political philosopher and director of research at CNRS, is working on the paradox of circularity between individuality and collectivity in a democracy, to name but a few. We have a great program to look forward to.
V.H: They are all very inspiring! I would also point out that for the first time, we are working with an artist, a professional pianist, William Mendelbaum, who will talk about the power of music and artistic creativity in day-to-day life.
A.L: Not to mention Lucile Berlie, a second-year student at AgroParisTech who has been elected the audience’s speaker! Her subject? Questioning the relevance of ego in considering the ecological crisis.
V.H: In all, we have eight talks with a cocktail break in the middle (a healthy, organic and vegetarian cocktail!) This break will also be an opportunity for the audience to meet and talk with the speakers in a relaxed atmosphere. That is the real spirit of TedX.
That really is a great program! Why did you choose to become involved with this association in particular?
A.L: Personally, I think being able to meet speakers with interesting backgrounds is a great intellectual opportunity. Particularly as we have extra opportunities to talk to them, outside the actual event. Organizing this in my second year, in such a suitable venue on the Palaiseau campus, where for the first time first-year students will be able to come and take part, it really is very special.
V.H: I wanted to be involved in organizing an event from A to Z. In addition, TedX was particularly appealing as it communicates innovative and surprising ideas to a wide audience in a great atmosphere. It has been a wonderful experience, with a great sense of team spirit.
A.L: For those tempted by the adventure, I would say go for it! Motivation is the most important criterion to join the association.