Science and Society
March 04 2022Living Things and the Environment at the Heart of Societal Concerns
In today’s world, issues related to living things and the environment are of particular interest to society: the quality of our food, preserving the environment and natural resources, the relationship between these topics and health, our relationship to the animal kingdom, the risks and benefits of biotechnologies, etc.
Ensuring Dialogue Between Science and Society: One of AgroParisTech’s Key Aims
En tant qu’établissement d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche, AgroParisTech est directement interpellé par ces nouvelles attentes de la société vis-à-vis de la science. L’établissement a ainsi choisi de favoriser la prise en compte, dans ses activités de recherche et de formation, des évolutions des rapports entre sciences et société.
As part of this commitment, AgroParisTech has set the following objectives:
Offering opportunities for meetings, dialogue, and debates between researchers and society, and encouraging and supporting efforts within the school which aim to make such opportunities available.
Supporting students in their own approach as citizens, encouraging their participation in a dialogue between science and society.
Better sharing our findings and scientific methods, as well as the debates and questions of research in the making.
Allowing the general public to better grasp what researchers actually do, in general, and, more specifically, what they do at AgroParisTech.
Getting society involved in research conducted at AgroParisTech.
Continuing to raise awareness among members of research units belonging to AgroParisTech, our staff, and our students about the need for dialogue between science and society, and teaching them to become actors in this dialogue.