
Avenir Agro project wins AMI CMA France 2030 award

December 13 2024

In response to the growing need for agricultural engineers, and with a view to raising awareness of life science careers among the next generation, AgroParisTech, the members of theAgreenium Alliance and the private agricultural schools under contract to the FESIC have decided to work together on an ambitious attractiveness project: Avenir Agro.

This project is one of 62 selected under the “ Compétences et Métiers d’Avenir ” scheme. The announcement was made at the national meeting of “Compétences et Métiers d’Avenir” France 2030 winners, held on November 26 and 27, 2024 at AgroParisTech, in the presence of Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet, Minister of Labor and Employment, and Bruno Bonnell, Secretary General for Investment, in charge of France 2030.