Your address in France
For all your administrative files, it is essential that you give your full postal address (name of your residence, number of your flat, etc.).
Write your name and surname on the P.O. Box.
If you are staying in temporary accommodation, please give the name of your host. Otherwise your mail will not be delivered.
Office for International Students and Researchers / Service d’Accueil International (SAEIC)
SAEIC (Service d’Accueil International pour les Etudiants et Chercheurs) can also help you with administrative procedures.
International students, don’t forget to make an appointment, before you go.
International PhD students, researchers and family members must register on Euraxess before making an appointment:
Validate your VLS-TS Long Stay Visa
If you have a VLS-TS long-stay visa, you must validate it within the 3 months of your arrival in France. The dematerialised procedure is available on
the Foreign National in France website (ministère de l’Intérieur et des Outre-Mer).
Bank account
If you need advice on opening a bank account, we can refer you to institutions that are used to working with international students.
Bank transfers and cash payments are highly regulated in France. Be careful with international bank transfers.
Civil Liability Insurance
You must take out civil liability insurance. This insurance covers accidental damage. It is used to repair material or physical damage to third parties. It compensates the victim on your behalf.
This insurance may be taken out automatically when you open your bank account or it may be included in your house insurance. In this case, make sure you are covered in all circumstances. In fact, some insurances, especially those included in house insurance, only cover the damage you might cause in your home.